A quasiaffine variety is the solution set of a system of polynomial equations and inequations (the indices and range in finite sets and , respectively, and ). Quasiaffine varieties are useful in describing geometric configurations: the equations specify special position relations among the coordinates and the inequations can be used to remove degenerate loci. For example, the realization spaces of matroids (and gaussoids in the algebraic setting) are quasiaffine varieties.
For this article we assume that the defining polynomials and have integer coefficients and we ask which numbers (equal to either or a prime) admit a field of characteristic over which is non-empty. Let be the set of -rational points in , i.e., take the images of the and under the canonical homomorphism and let be the corresponding quasiaffine variety. Then the characteristic set of is
A priori there is no reason why this set should be computable. However, results from model theory show that the situation is not as bad as it seems.
This setup and related questions were discussed a bit in the previous article on First-order objects in algebraic geometry. Let me recall from there that the model-theoretic Lefschetz principle asserts the following:
Hence, either contains and excludes finitely many primes, or it excludes and consists of finitely many primes. Thus, it can be described by a boolean (is in the set or not?) together with a finite list of primes. The Lefschetz principle also shows that in each fixed characteristic it is enough to consider solvability over a single field over which computations are possible!
There is a theorem in model theory which states that
The first-order theory of algebraically closed fields has quantifier elimination in the language of rings.
This means that to each first-order formula in the language of rings, there exists a quantifier-free formula which is equivalent to over all algebraically closed fields. A quasiaffine variety is a definable set, i.e., it can be described by a first-order formula (since each polynomial with integer coefficients is a term in the language of rings). To express that is non-empty, we simply prefix with existential quantifiers . Quantifier elimination produces a quantifier-free formula which is equivalent to over all algebraically closed fields. Now, has no quantifiers but also no free variables since it is equivalent to a formula with that property, so it cannot contain variables at all. This means that it must be a boolean combination of atomic statements of the form . But a statement like that is true in a field if and only if its characteristic divides .
Quantifier elimination for algebraically closed fields can be done constructively. Hence, the formula is computable and from the boolean combination of the statements, the relevant prime factors and information on whether they are inside or outside the characteristic set can be extracted. Model theory books usually include a description of the quantifier elimination process. It consists of successively viewing multivariate polynomials as univariate in a distinguished variable and extracting the coefficient polynomials to do further symbolic manipulations on them (whose validity in eliminating the existential quantifier require algebraic closedness). This process is rather finicky and it seems like it would be slow to run on a computer. In any case, the performance will heavily depend on the representation of polynomials on the computer and how fast they can be rearranged into univariate polynomials. These are implementations very deep down in a computer algebra system which I prefer not to touch for a mere blog post.
Instead of these low-level polynomial manipulations, we can use any of the widely available and well-engineered Gröbner bases algorithms as a blackbox to compute . This observation rests on the following series of observations:
Note that this uses Gröbner bases over as a blackbox algorithm. The computation does not have to specially instrumented or monitored (which would require engineering effort and could slow down performance). Moreover, any monomial ordering and any Gröbner basis algorithm is valid.
Here is a sample implementation in Macaulay2
-- Check if the saturation ideal(F):G^\infty contains a non-zero constant
-- by computing a a Gröbner basis over the integers. Also determine all
-- characteristics over which the Gröbner basis does not necessarily have
-- the same lead monomials.
testSolvabilityGeneric = (F, G) -> (
R := ZZ[gens ring F_0]; -- make sure we work over ZZ
I := fold(saturate, ideal(F / (f -> sub(f,R))), G / (g -> sub(g,R)));
-- If there is a (non-zero) scalar in the GB, the ideal is trivial
-- for most primes: all those which do not divide the scalar.
U := select(first entries gens gb I, isConstant);
if #U > 0 then (
exceptF := unique flatten apply(U, g ->
apply(toList factor leadCoefficient g, f -> first toList f)
return { false, exceptF };
-- Otherwise we have a non-trivial ideal. Buchberger's criterion
-- certifies that this GB computation has good reduction modulo
-- all primes which do not divide the lead coefficients.
exceptT := unique flatten apply(first entries gens gb I, g ->
apply(toList factor leadCoefficient g, f -> first toList f)
{ true, exceptT }
-- Check if the saturation ideal(F):G^\infty is trivial over GF(p).
testSolvabilityModP = (F, G, p) -> (
R := GF(p)[gens ring F_0];
I := fold(saturate, ideal(F / (f -> sub(f,R))), G / (g -> sub(g,R)));
1 % I != 0
-- Compute the set of characteristics over which f == 0 for all f in F and
-- g != 0 for all g in G has a solution. The result is a boolean, which
-- is the "generic" answer to the feasibility of the system, and a finite
-- list of exceptional primes where the answer is opposite.
solvability = (F,G) -> (
r := testSolvabilityGeneric(F,G);
{ r#0, select(r#1, p -> testSolvabilityModP(F,G,p) != r#0) }
To test this out, consider the following configuration of geometric objects: two points and which lie on a line and also on a parabola in the affine plane. In total this gives us nine coordinates and four equations among them. We also add inequations to ensure that the line is non-vertical and that the parabola does not degenerate to a line.
R = ZZ[a1,a2, b1,b2, c0,c1, d0,d1,d2];
F = { c1*a1+c0 - a2, c1*b1+c0 - b2, d2*a1^2+d1*a1+d0 - a2, d2*b1^2+d1*b1+d0 - b2 };
G = { a1-b1, d2 };
time print solvability(F, G);
--> {true, {}}
--> used 0.0065934 seconds
The computation concludes blazingly fast that this configuration is realizable over every characteristic. (In fact, it is easy to write down a rational parametrization from which this becomes obvious.)
More challenging examples come from matroids. The characteristic set of a matroid is a well-known object and it coincides with the characteristic set (as defined above) of its realization space (which is a quasiaffine variety). Oxley’s book, for example, contains a definition and the computability results mentioned above.
It is well-known that the Fano matroid can only be realized in characteristic . We can now check this entirely computationally. First, we need to turn a matroid into a description of its realization space:
needsPackage "Matroids";
realizationSpace = M -> (
n := #groundSet M;
r := rank M;
C := (circuits M) / toList;
B := (bases M) / toList;
R := ZZ[a_(1,1) .. a_(n,r)];
A := genericMatrix(R,r,n);
F := flatten apply(C, x -> first entries gens minors(#x, submatrix(A,x)));
G := apply(B, x -> det submatrix(A,x));
(F, G)
Now the characteristic sets of the Fano and non-Fano matroid can be computed:
(F, G) = realizationSpace specificMatroid "fano";
time print solvability(F,G);
--> {false, {2}}
--> used 56.8058 seconds
Fano is generally non-realizable, except in characteristic 2. With non-Fano, it is exactly the opposite:
(F, G) = realizationSpace specificMatroid "nonfano";
time print solvability(F,G);
--> {true, {2}}
--> used 78.3184 seconds
The computation of characteristic sets takes a lot of time. I let the above procedure run for the Vámos matroid but terminated it after 5 hours with no result. Its realization space is described by too many equations and inequations in 32 variables. Even using more knowledge from matroid theory does not seem to help: since Vámos violates an instance of the Ingleton inequality, we can narrow down the equations and inequations to a smaller set which should still not admit a solution over any field. For this much smaller system I managed to get a Gröbner basis of the equations in 10 minutes, but the saturation seems hopeless.
Another thought: it would be nice if the Gröbner basis computations modulo exceptional primes could benefit from the previous “generic” computation over in some way. In Macaulay2
I don’t know how to link the two computations as they happen in different rings. The Julia package Groebner.jl
seems to facilitate the “learning” of a Gröbner basis computation in order to speed up subsequent similar computations. Unfortunately, it does not implement fraction-free Gröbner basis computation over , so I haven’t tried it on the above problems.
I believe that one could compute a Gröbner basis over and take the denominators of coefficients in the “change matrix” (i.e., the -linear map which shows how to obtain the Gröbner basis as linear combinations of the initial generators) and the lead terms of the Gröbner basis to be exceptional primes over which dedicated Gröbner basis computations have to be performed.